Marrying young vs old and what happens to your life after marriage


Heyo people its that time of the week where I share what I have learned from some articles and reading about marriage. Specifically, about if you want to delay marriage vs having a early marriage. Then we are going to talk about the adjustments that couples will frequently adjust to because they are married. As always, I will share the link where I found my information. So is it smarter to wait on marriage so that they can pursue a more stable future for things that are important to you. An example of things that people would like to have under their belt before marriage. Like education, a career, and/or that trip that they would like to do before being tied down to someone. While there are those who marry in their early 20’s and people think that they are so young that the marriage is likely to fail. Well in the article that I read it said that they had found didn’t find anything that a marriage was stronger the longer you waited. In fact, they said the evidence tilts a little to those who marry early. They do say that marrying when you are only in your early 20’s is not for everyone. But to those who do marry in their early 20’s, they said are more likely to be happy and sexually satisfied compared to those who marry later. The reason that I inferred from reading the article. Was that the older you get the more stuck in your ways and have a harder time living and making decision with another person. Compared to couples that are younger they can go through hardships together. Like trying to get a higher education. Also face financial adversities. Because if they can get through the hardships of life then the marriage can come out stronger because of this. Now I don’t want you all to think that you must marry as soon as your 20 years old or around that time. They even said in the article that marrying early is not for everyone and that it requires a few things if you want to be married that you might not be ready at an early age. Now for what happens to probably most couples if not all. Adjusting to living to that person and how that might look like. Now where I got this information on adjusting to a marriage in the first few months to even having children. I got this from another article named “early marriage adjustment”. Now when you get married you must decide on a lot of things in a marriage. Especially with your significant other. There are things like financial issues that must be addressed. Who does what in the relationship? Will the husband be the bread winner of the family and provide? This and more needs to be addressed and if you don’t address them then this could lead to bigger conflicts in the future. Not only that but how will you deal with disagreements? How will you argue? Will it be done in a serious setting, or will you just want it done in a casual setting? All these things and more. Which may seem daunting to think about. Now these issues are the ones that usually come up in the early stage of being married. Now once you have figured out a system that works best for this relationship. Throw kids in the mix and you must learn again the roles of you as parents. On things like who will look after the kids. If you are going the more traditional way of a family. Which is a wife will look after the kids and the husband will work for the family. Then the Husband most likely will have to help out in order to make up for the shift in priorities and things on the wife’s plate. Well hope y’all learned something today about these things. Now if you are interested, please check out the links to see what you learn from it.

Is it bad to marry young? Here’s what marriage research says - Deseret News  

Early Marriage Adjustments-1.pdf  


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