

Hello everyone, this is jacob here to give you some more info on what I have learned about this week regarding family. For this week we will be focused on parents and how they can best affect children and what is detrimental to nurturing children. Now I’ll just say that from my personal experience. Which may be a no brainer to some. but to me it was the example of my parents. Not only that but I think the best chance of raising kids is to have them feel like they are helpful. So, asking for help from your kid(s) at an early age. But that’s my opinion which I could be wrong about. Also, every family is different and needs to adjust to different needs for the children and the environment you are in. Now to get into what I learned from an article called “the collapse of parenting: why its time for parents to grow up”. Now they start off with a scenario of a father and daughter in a restaurant where the father asked his daughter to eat her peas. Now also in that restaurant was a person called Dr. Leonard Sax who overheard this conversation with the father and daughter. And when he heard the father ask his daughter “Honey, could you please do me a favor? Could you please just try one bite of your green peas”. He thought about it with his background of being a family physician and psychologist. That this is an example of something bad. While some people would see what the father said to the daughter as a good example of parenting. He goes to say that the collapse of parenting is partially at fault for the reason kids being “overweight, overmedicated, anxious, and disrespectful of themselves and those around them. In the article they share that too many parents are relinquishing parental authority. And they are saying in the article that the reason is coming from a good place. Sax says that the dinner table is where the battlegrounds are in a sense. That when parents allow the kid to control their food choices are the first sign for things to go over to the kids. This defers the head role(s) to be the children. According to the article is because when the children are allowed to choose their nourishment options. This triggers a psychological response which turns them to be turn to the” alpha role”. Back to the restaurant scenario if the girl does as the father has requested. Then she believes he now owes her because she did what he asked. Now this was a metaphorical example. This shows how parents are uncomfortable with the lead role in the family. Now I don’t have experience, but I imagine that parenting is whole another beast to tackle. I mean having children is a scary thought for a lot of people. Including people who want to have children. Something that I found interesting when they were talking about the massive differences between our generation vs the older generations. They talked about how it’s different now days vs when we called dads “sir”. Or when dad comes home you get out of his chair. I will be honest my dad didn’t do that but in my grandpa’s house. You get out of grandpa’s chair when he comes home. But the biggest thing is parents are in good need of some advice from trusted sources on how to parent children. I do not profess that I know all sources but doing you research will come a long way. So hopefully this helps those that are looking to be parents. Also check out the link where I read this information.

The collapse of parenting: Why it’s time for parents to grow up (


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